Not one, not two, but THREE new armor types! These are the armors that were shown (as concept art) in the Kickstarter campaign. SuperGenius has been hard at work building the final assets, and now they're ready to be appreciated in all three dimensions!

There's also a slew of balance adjustments and bug fixes, detailed below. But my personal favorite new feature is the awesome set of new options in the replay system, including sped-up melee playback, slo-mo on hits, health bars at the top of the screen, improved visual effects, and more.
There's just one catch: because the launch version of Ironlights (0.59) is already locked in, you'll have to opt-in to get this update. Join the Ironlights Discord and send me a message, and I'll get you into the beta preview channel. The downside is that you'll only be able to join multiplayer matches against those who have also chosen to opt-in to this update. This will only last a short while (one week after launch, at max) before we'll be allowed to update everybody to the latest version.
And now, the deets:
FEATURES: - Gallant armor, Shogun armor, and Balor armor have been added to the Armory. - New options added to the replay/GIF system, including faster melee playback and health bars. - Much faster Quickmatch matchmaking (less wait time before hosting). - Added “seated mode” to the options menu. - Improved hit effects, and VFX will appear larger in replays.
BUG FIXES: - Fixed the Network Error that was affecting some PC players. - Fixed bug that prevented Gold/Silver opponents from getting their 50/100% damage bonus in the campaign. - In multiplayer rematches, opponent’s weapon selection will no longer cast a shadow. - Attempted fix for Windows Mixed Reality controls on SteamVR version. - Fixed issue that sometimes prevented blocked projectiles from properly disappearing - When fighting multiple AI opponents, flail ranged attacks will now seek onto the correct opponent. - Weapons no longer slowly rotate when let go. - Players who join a multiplayer match directly from a campaign game will now switch into their multiplayer outfit. - Attempted fix for multiplayer issue that caused some weapons to collide twice (i.e. a rapier blocking both halves of a greatsword).
GAMEPLAY: - Reverted the experimental “active shield regeneration” mechanic: charging up while holding a damaged shield will no longer drain extra energy to repair the shield. - Changed self-hits to only trigger when hitting oneself in the head instead of the torso, and disabled self-hits entirely for shields. - Reduced amount of vulnerability recovered from dealing damage. - Adjusted upper height boundary to be lower to accommodate new seated mode.
Knight: - The greatsword is now faster when held one-handed (though still not as fast as when held with both hands). - Made it easier to grip the greatsword with both hands.
Duelist: - Rapier must be pulled slightly further back to restore after shattering. - Slightly decreased rapier melee damage. - Ranged attacks deal less damage and move more slowly. - Adjusted shield stats to absorb more damage, but regenerate more slowly.
Monk: - No changes.
Ninja: - Ranged attacks are now smaller, faster, more costly, and deal slightly less damage. - Slightly “loosened” katar physics. - Katars must be pulled slightly further back to restore after shattering.
Crusader: - Ranged projectiles now move faster. - Ranged attacks are now more sensitive to the speed they are fired at. - Slightly increased flail melee damage. - Flail is now slightly easier to restore after shattering. - Adjusted shield stats to absorb more damage, but regenerate more slowly.