The latest minor update (v151) is now available! Here's the changelog:
- Adjusted Greatsword ranged attack to weaken "bullet"/"blaster" exploit
- Slight adjustments to Greatsword physics to weaken "wobble" attacks
- Extremely slight reduction to Rapier melee damage
- Extremely slight reduction to Buckler max health
- Adjusted input waypoint system to reduce abnormal motion
- Very slightly reduced arrow projectile speed
- Extremely slight increase to Staff two-handed rotational acceleration
- Added double-hit mechanic: if you haven't hit a spot on the enemy within 3 seconds, hitting it with both katars will do bonus damage.
- Very slight reduction to Heater Shield max health
- Removed all shield regeneration from melee blocking
- Slight increase to shield bar max health and regeneration speed
- Very slight reduction of twisting (blade turning) speed
- Extremely slight reduction of Scythe melee damage
- Extremely slight pushback of Scythe reload threshold
- Slight increase in strictness of Scythe edge alignment movement bonus
- Made it possible to break two-handed grip on Katana if hands are too far apart
- Extremely slight reduction to Katana rotational acceleration
- Slight reduction to Katana melee damage
- Slightly pushed back melee attack distance
- Adjusted damage of Warhammer hitboxes to a more even ratio (total damage unchanged)
- Adjusted targeting of Warhammer ranged attack to allow partial aiming
- Adjusted Parrying Dagger physics to slightly advantage thrusting over slashing motion
- Made Parrying Dagger ranged attack projectiles slightly more visible (thicker)
- Slightly reduced Glaive melee damage
- Extremely slight reduction to Glaive rotational acceleration
- Slight increase in strictness of Glaive edge alignment bonus
- Slightly reduced Whip melee damage
- Whips will now shrink during melee defense (to 2 segments)
- Whip reloads now check the position of a middle point on the whip instead of the tip
- Each whip's bonus whipcrack damage is now briefly reduced after a whipcrack
- Defenders will no longer take reduced damage if they are standing far forward
- Added 6 new & updated campaign bots (Kai, Kyrio, Seallord, SpikeyAaron, The Attacker, Bee)
- Major adjustments to physics and reload settings of some Sandbox weapons:
- Longsword
- Short Spear
- Mace
- War Axe
- Giant Sword
- (Note: these changes should not affect existing bots)
- Fixed minor stadium rendering bugs
- Made most weapon materials shinier
- Minor menu adjustments to prepare for Armory Update
- Changed appearance of Duelist's Buckler
- Made Balanced mode damage bonuses half as effective against shields
- Added link to privacy policy and analytics opt-out link to Options menu
- Turned off Balanced mode by default for new players
- Added new reload logic: Weapons that are broken while inside the reload area cannot be reloaded for at least 0.5s.